Friday 13 April 2018

Term 1, Week 11

We have had a wonderful last week of term in Room 14.

This week we have introduced a new learning station.  The station helps us to learn our
 Te Reo Māori numbers in a variety of ways.
We have also been learning about the sports in the Commonwealth games.  On Wednesday we designed and made our own medals.
We have also been doing a lot of amazing maths learning this week.  We had fun sorting fruit loops into groups and then counting them.  We also found out which groups had the most, least and the same.
We have had some amazing authors at work this week too.  It has been exciting to watch the children's skills and independence in writing grow this term
They are real authors!

For Ready Steady Go on Friday the students made paper plate dinosaurs. The showed their great fine motor skills to cut and paste the fine details of their very own dinosaurs.