Thursday 17 May 2018

Term 2 Week 3

This week we celebrated Noah, Carlton and Jahzion turning five in Room 14.

We are enjoying learning new waiata with our new kapa haka tutors. We are proud of the way all of the children are participating and contributing and showing excellent respect during kindness week. Well done Room 14.

Science Week

Experiment 1:  "dancing milk". The students first added one cup of milk to their bowl. Next they added food colouring to the milk in different spaces so they didn't mix. They next dipped a cotton bud into dishwashing liquid. The students then carefully touched the cotton bud onto the surface of the milk, this causes a reaction and the colours start to move and mix (as if the milk was dancing). The students really enjoyed observing the reactions and were using great language to describe what they could see.

Experiment 2: Lava Lamps  We put water, food colouring and oil into a jar. The children noticed that the oil and water didn't mix. The oil floated to the top and the water stayed at the bottom of the jar. We then added Alka Seltzer and watched as the coloured gas bubbles moved to the top of the jar creating a lava lamp effect.

Experiment 3: Rainbow Volcanoes. First the students added baking soda to four test tubes. Next they added four colours of food colouring to the test tubes. Lastly the added vinegar to the four test tubes and watched the chemical reaction.

This week has been we have been talking about kindness.  We read some books about being a 'bucket filler'.  This is all about doing kind things for others.  As a response the children drew pictures about how they are bucket fillers at home and school.
On Friday we celebrated Pink Shirt Day.  This is a NZ wide promotion about anti bullying.
We all dressed in pink and were remembered to be kind to each other.

This term we are learning about shapes as part of the maths strand geometry. Today for art we made vehicles using different shapes.

1 comment:

  1. You are all such wonderful bucket fillers and scientists Room 14. :-)
